September 28, 2023

The Best Places for Expats | Living and Working Abroad

Wondering where expats are happiest, most fulfilled at their work, and have the best quality of life? The results are in! 

Internations – a community of 5 million expats world-wide – conducts the Expat Insider Survey every year. It asks expats to rank:

💫The Best Countries for Working Abroad
💫The Top Cities for Working Abroad
💫The Top Countries for Expats | Overall Satisfaction
💫The Best Countries for Quality of Life for Expats
And more…

Here are the top findings from their Expat Insider Survey.

Top 10 Countries for Working Abroad

Expats ranked their favourite places to work abroad, based on opportunities for growth, work-life balance, work culture, and salary. 

places for expats netherlands


  1. Netherlands
  2. Luxembourg
  3. Sweden
  4. UAE
  5. Finland
  6. Denmark
  7. Canada
  8. Ireland
  9. Taiwan
  10. Australia


Top 10 Cities for Working Abroad

Internations drilled down even further into the top cities for expats working abroad. Expats preferred:

    1. Copenhagen
    2. Dublin
    3. New York
    4. Melbourne
    5. Munich
    6. Dubai
    7. Amsterdam
    8. Stockholm
    9. Berlin
    10. Dusseldorf


The Top 10 Countries for Expats - Overall Satisfaction

Expats ranked their overall satisfaction in their overseas work assignment, including quality of life, working abroad, ease of settling in and other metrics. The winners?

places for expats - mexico


  1. Mexico
  2. Spain
  3. Panama
  4. Malaysia
  5. Taiwan
  6. Thailand
  7. Costa Rica
  8. Philippines
  9. Bahrain
  10. Portugal

Top Countries for Top Quality of Life for expats

Expats ranked quality of life by considering safety, public transportation, health care, leisure and the environment. Their top ten were:

  1. Spain
  2. Taiwan
  3. Austria
  4. Portugal
  5. UAE
  6. Switzerland
  7. Finland
  8. Denmark
  9. South Korea
  10. Singapore



Wherever you move, make it a success

The survey lists places that expats love to live and work -- but you may not get to choose the location of your overseas work assignment.

No matter where you move, it is important to make friends and form a community in order to have a successful overseas expat assignment.

For advice on how to meet other expats overseas, read our guide: How to build a support network overseas.

Our move specialists are known for their caring and supportive attitudes. Let our team help simplify your overseas move.

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