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Singapore: New online portal to replace online Employment Pass system

Written by Leanne Cottrell | Jun 2, 2020 1:44:00 PM

Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower (MoM) is in the process of rolling out a new online application system which will eventually replace the current Employment Pass online system. The new system aims to be more user-friendly and intuitive for applicants, therefore improving the application experience.

What has changed?

In 2008, Singapore implemented the Employment Pass (EP) online application system. The MoM will now commence a phased replacement of the existing online EP system from June 11th, with full implementation for all permit types expected to be completed by April 2021. The phased introduction of the new online portal will commence with Employment Pass and S Pass applications on the 11th with dependant passes, Long term visit passes, letters of consent and other permit types to follow at a later date.

What to expect / impact

Employers will be expected to submit applications on the new portal as it is rolled out for each permit type. Employment Pass and S Pass applications can continue to be submitted on the current system until June 8th. Saved applications on the current EP online system will not be transferred to the new system.

For further information on the new online portal for immigration applications in Singapore, please contact the Sterling Lexicon immigration team.